Worship meetings held at Clonmel Baptist Church, Bridge Centre, Cashel Road ,E91 X5T7 . Bus route C2 and C9 at 11 am . Listen to recent worship services on this website and on our facebook page . Children’s Classes and Creche during the Worship meeting. Bible study, prayer, ladies’, men’s meetings, youth clubs and young adult group. Please contact 086 1527663 for details. All welcome.


A warm welcome to our website. If you are looking for a church in Clonmel, we would be delighted to welcome you.

— Matthew Brennan (Pastor)


Clonmel Baptist Church seeks to help people of all ages discover Christ and to follow Him. We meet and worship Him together and learn how God’s word can change and equip us to live Christ pleasing lives.

The church has been in Clonmel since 1980 and is called Clonmel Baptist Church . The Church is a member of the Association of Irish Evangelicals (Aontas).

Contact Info

Bridge Centre, Cashel Road ,Clonmel, Co Tipperary E91X5T7

Phone: 087 0362401

Meeting Times

  • 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship and Sunday Classes for children (creche provided)
  • 6:30 p.m. - Prayer meeting.
  • 7:00 p.m. - Bible study to which anyone can come

For times of other meetings click here

For further details of any of the above meetings please contact: 087 0362401

Charity Number

Charity Number : CHY18156