A joyous occasion
On Monday 5 August 2019 families and friends of Stephen and Sophie celebrated their wedding ceremony in Kilkenny followed by a reception in Castledermot Ephesians 4:1-7 A reading from the ceremony reminds the couple [...]
On Monday 5 August 2019 families and friends of Stephen and Sophie celebrated their wedding ceremony in Kilkenny followed by a reception in Castledermot Ephesians 4:1-7 A reading from the ceremony reminds the couple [...]
Senior Youth Club A great conclusion to the Senior Youth Club took the form of a Movie night followed by pizza and a fab.homemade chocolate cake created by Alice. Junior Youth Club We [...]
Extracts from Handel's Messiah A full house was in attendance for the evening .Those who were there enjoyed extracts from the Messiah which related through song the purposes of Christ's coming . Amy Shreve Performs [...]
Gina sings extracts from the Messiah at the Carol Service held at 4 pm on Sunday 23 Dec. The Service was very well attended, standing room only. All our friends and ourselves were reminded of [...]
All the Church were invited on 19 July to the Evening Party for the wedding of Michael and Karen. The wedding party looked splendid, the sun shone, the food was delicious and a wonderful time [...]
A lovely evening was enjoyed recently as we celebrated Justine's 18th birthday . It was very special to hear 18 ladies, including Justine's Mum, inspire Justine with a verse each from the Bible. It was also moving [...]
On Monday 16 July our Holiday Bible Club began at 2:30 pm. This year we were so thankful to have had a team of 20 willing, young (and not so young !) leaders and helpers. [...]
Gospel Choir from Colorado On Saturday 23 June a choir of young people sang, under the arches, at the Main Guard in Clonmel. They sang again in the evening to an appreciative audience in [...]
Amazing Treasures To launch the Holiday Bible Club we all went on a picnic after the church service Sunday 16 July. It was a gloriously sunny day and a great time was enjoyed. The theme [...]